METI Japanese Internship in Japan 2024 – Funded

Applications are being accepted. METI Japanese Internship in Japan is open to all international students from around the world. Don’t pass up this opportunity to gain internship and residence experience in Japan. The METI internship program will recruit 200 interns from OECD/DAC member nations this year. From mid-August until the end of September, the Summer Internship Program will be available. Apply for the OIST Research Internship Program in Japan (Fully Funded).

Internships are available in chosen Japanese companies, with selected interns being kept for the duration of the program. As Japanese corporations hire foreign professionals for internships, Japan’s people and organizations become more internationalized.

This is made possible through knowledge development, which aims to help Japanese companies innovate and expand their overseas business, as well as work with foreigners and experience intercultural dialogue, as well as build networks and partnerships. Û” This is attainable by developing an internal system in partnership with institutions to raise awareness. The goal is to attract international talent.

People from underdeveloped nations can learn business methods overseas in a Japanese company, receive expertise and skills from Japanese companies, and be groomed as global leaders by doing an internship in Japan. Japan may be able to operate within its own borders.

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Details of METI Japanese Internship in Japan

Financial Benefits of METI Japanese Internship in Japan

METI Japanese Internship Program 24 in Japan is an Internship Program for International Students that is fully funded. It will include the following topics:

  • You will be covered by insurance for the duration of your internship.
  • Interns will have access to electronic devices such as laptop computers, communication devices, and mobile phones.
  • If you are traveling to Japan, you will be fully covered for all expenses.

Eligible Countries for METI Japanese Internship in Japan

  • Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Armenia, Albania, Angola, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Cameroon, Argentina, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Belarus, Burundi, Egypt, Belize, Cambodia, El Salvador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Eswatini, Botswana, Chad, Georgia, Brazil, Comoros, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Colombia, Djibouti, Honduras, Costa Rica, Arete, India, Cuba, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Dominica, Gambia, Jordan, Dominican Republic, Guinea, Kenya, Ecuador, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Fiji, Kiribati, Micronesia, Gabon, Lao People’s Republic, Democratic Republic of Moldova, Grenada, Lesotho, Mongolia, Guyana, Liberia, Morocco, Iran, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Iraq, Malawi, Nigeria, Jamaica, Mali, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Lebanon, Mozambique,
  • Philippines, Libya, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Syrian Arab Republic, Maldives, Niger, Tajikistan, Marshall Islands, Rwanda, Tokelau, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Tunisia, Mexico, Senegal, Ukraine, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Uzbekistan, Montserrat, Solomon Islands. Land, Vanuatu, Namibia, Somalia, Vietnam, Nauru, South Sudan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, New, Sudan, North Macedonia, Tanzania, Palau, Timor-Leste, Panama, Togo, Paraguay, Tuvalu, Peru, Uganda, St. Helena, Yemen, Saint Lucia, Zambia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Wallis, and Futuna.

Eligibility Criteria of METI Japanese Internship in Japan

  • The student must be a citizen of one of the nations listed above.
  • You must agree on the program’s aim and be willing to collaborate with Japanese enterprises to promote foreign internationalization and business development, as well as network with international institutions.
  • You must be fluent in either Japanese (JLPT level N3 or higher) or English.
  • Applicants must be at least 20 years old and no more than 40 years old.
  • You must be able to produce an enrollment or graduation certificate from a school or university, as well as a letter of recommendation from the (enrolled / graduate) university or firm, etc.
  • You must be able to complete the relevant training and intern at the chosen work site.
  • Applicants must be able to attend the internship according to the timetable established by the JIP office.

Benefits of METI Japanese Internship in Japan

  • Professional Development: Interns acquire practical experience in their selected field by working in Japanese companies spanning multiple industries.
  • Cultural Immersion: Interns gain an immersive cultural experience by living and working in Japan, where they can observe and learn firsthand about Japanese customs, traditions, and decorum.
  • Language Proficiency: Interns are afforded the chance to enhance their Japanese language abilities through routine engagements with fellow workers and inhabitants of the vicinity, thereby making a valuable contribution to their professional development.
  • Opportunities for Networking: Throughout their internship, apprentices have the chance to establish significant professional connections with industry experts, mentors, and their peers. These connections have the potential to pave the way for future career prospects.
  • Global Perspective: Interns who are engaged in efforts within a multinational setting are presented with a variety of viewpoints and approaches to work, which enhances their intercultural communication abilities and global perspective.
  • Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Interns engage in cross-cultural collaboration with Japanese colleagues and peers hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds, thereby cultivating qualities such as adaptability, cooperation, and cross-cultural comprehension.
  • Industry Exposure: Interns acquire valuable knowledge regarding the Japanese economy, trade, and industries, thereby augmenting their comprehension of worldwide business dynamics and market trends.
  • Enhancement of Resumes: The internship in Japan facilitated by the METI program provides trainees with a significant international experience that sets them apart in the job market and showcases their openness to novel challenges.
  • Individual Development: Internships in foreign countries require individuals to operate independently, cultivate resilience, and adjust to novel surroundings, thereby fostering personal development and facilitating the process of self-exploration.
  • Cultural Exchange: Interns are afforded the chance to impart their personal cultures and viewpoints to their Japanese counterparts, thereby promoting cultural exchange and mutual comprehension.

How to Apply for METI Japanese Internship in Japan

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply online for the METI Japanese Internship Program in Japan. A link to the official advertisement is also provided below:

  • Online registration is accepted using the registration form on the program office’s website.
  • The screening process will be based on the application’s content, qualification and experience as an intern/qualification, comprehension of the program’s purpose, and any requirements or applications for the host company.
  • Document screening, primary interviews (local language / English / Japanese), and secondary interviews (Japanese / English) will be used to make the selection.
  • Individual submission of numerous certification documents, letters of recommendation, pictures, visa documents, etc. relevant to university qualification or language skills, etc.

For More Info:

Email Your CV, and We’ll Find the Best Pathway For you: [email protected]

What Financial Benefits of METI Japan Internship?

You will be covered by insurance for the duration of your internship.
Interns will have access to electronic devices such as laptop computers, communication devices, and mobile phones.
If you are traveling to Japan, you will be fully covered for all expenses.

What is the Meti Japan internship program?

This program supports the overseas development of Japanese small and medium-sized companies by hiring foreign university students and global talent. Through internships, participants will get a chance to understand job responsibilities in Japan. #

How do I apply for a Meti internship?

Having language proficiency in Japanese (JLPT N3 or higher) and/or in English (business level). Being able to attend the pre- and post-orientation. Being able to follow the instructions given by the JIP office and the host company.

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